-What do I need to bring for my dogs stay?
Please bring the food that your dog is used to eating on a regular basis. We require that you pre-proportion their meals into baggies or containers. One meal, per dog, per bag.
Any medications that your dog needs to be given. Any treats that you would like to be given (no rawhide).
Although we do provide beds for our dogs staying in suites, some clients prefer to bring their own bedding/blankets. We are ok with this, but please keep in mind that some dogs will become anxious and may damage their belongings. We may also have to wash beds/blankets if they have an accident or decide to turn their food/water bowls over. We can not be responsible for any damage to personal belongings. We are also not responsible for any issues that may occur if your dog ingests any pieces of their belongings.
Toys are also fine as long as they are not a choking hazard. Again, we are not responsible for damage to belongings or for any harm due to your dog injesting pieces.
-What should I not bring?
Please do not bring dishes. We have plenty and they get washed often. We do not want to have yours get confused with ours!
No rawhides or toys with squeakers.
-How often will my dog get out during the day?
If your dog is social with other dogs or unless you specifically do not want your dog to be in group play, they will automatically be added into play rotation with our daycare dogs! Plenty of play/potty breaks all day long.
Our goal is 4-6x per day.
They are also taken out in the morning before breakfast and after dinner at night.
-My dog doesn’t get along with other dogs. How many times will they get out?
Any dog that is not considered “social” will still be taken out the same number of times that our daycare groups are. They are added into the rotation but are in a yard with no other dogs-however they are always directly supervised by a staff member in the yard. They may not get the same length of time as a group, but they will receive individual staff attention during that time.
-Do all the dogs swim while here?
Swimming is an add on that you will need to request. A group swim will be an extra $6 per day. If a dog shows interest in the pool but does not walk in on their own, we may put a life jacket on them and gently set them in the pool. We will not under any circumstances throw, push, or do anything to force a dog that seems scared into the pool. Even if you ask us to, this is against our policy.
-Can you groom my dog while they are there?
We can if you request this far enough in advance! We would suggest that you ask about the schedule as soon as you book the reservation. If we don’t happen to have any openings during their stay you can always ask to be place on our wait list. If someone happens to cancel or not show up, we may be able to grab your pup and get them done!
You can also just ask for an exit bath to be done on the day of pickup. This is great for those dogs that play hard! Have you seen the amount of slobber that dogs get on each other when they play??
-What time can I drop off?
Anytime during our regular business hours of 6:30 am to 7 pm.
-What time do I need to pick up?
You can pick up anytime during our normal business hours of 6am-7pm, however depending on the time of pickup, you may have an additional Daycare
If you pick up after 9am you will be charged a half day of Daycare per dog ($20). If you pick up after 1pm you will be charged a full day of Daycare per dog.
-Can I get updates on my dog while they are there?
Absolutely! We do this for no additional fee on Facebook only. Just send us a message with your dog’s name and ask for updates. Typically, we check the messages a couple of times a day so it may take us a little while to get back with you. If you are looking for an immediate update, please feel free to give us a call!
We do ask that only one person in your family request updates.
-Will you feed raw food?
Yes! Please make sure that everything is pre-proportioned, and you have given us clear directions.
-What happens if I need to extend my stay and my dog runs out of food?
We carry Argos dog food. If your dog runs out of food, we will contact you and ask which flavor you would like us to feed them. We can scoop this by the pound and add the price to your total.
-My dog has trouble walking/needs special equipment to help them get around. Is that something that you can accommodate?
We vow never to turn a dog away because it needs extra help! That being said, we are unable to take animals with stitches, who require bandage changes, or must wear a muzzle to prevent them from aggravating an injury. We are just not able to provide that level of care to prevent infections.
-My dog is aggressive towards people. Can we board them?
Unfortunately, not at this time. We can not put our employees at this kind of risk. We do have plans in the future to build attached kennel runs to our one and two dog suites. It may then be possible for the owner to walk the dog back and I be able to allow them to use the kennel runs to use the bathroom without our employees never having to have physical contact with them.